Berkshire Hathaway 公司旗下的 Business Wire 是新闻稿发布监管披露领域的全球翘楚。

公共关系、投资者关系、公共政策和市场营销专业人士均依赖 Business Wire 精准可靠地发布可影响市场动向的新闻和多媒体内容。

Business Wire 成立于 1961 年,是新闻机构、新闻工作者、投资专家和监管机构值得信赖的资讯来源。通过其获得多项专利的“新闻网 NX”,
Business Wire 将新闻直接推送给编辑系统和重要线上新闻源。 Business Wire 的新闻编辑部遍及全球,随时随地满足全球沟通传播专业人士与新闻媒体的纷繁需求。

160+ 国家/地区


100,000+ 媒体单位


200+ 行业类别



办事处遍及全球。 位于北美、欧洲及亚洲的新闻编辑部致力于提供全方位的新闻发布服务。 这即是我们推崇的本地化服务理念。 我们的本地新闻编辑部将选用经验丰富且熟悉您及您业务的编辑,安全、可靠又精准地发布您的新闻。


经验至关重要。 我们有 150 多位编辑人员,平均任期超 12 年。 迅速与精确也很关键。 我们的编辑团队具备专业的知识、视角与经验,为您挑选最具价值的渠道,发布新闻。


我们懂得,只有将您的目标和内容与受众相匹配,才能带来成功。 我们的账户团队随时为您效劳。 从全球化发布到细分发布,我们有多达 1600 个发布选项,我们的专家也会助力您的新闻触达目标受众。


我们将您的新闻传送至美联社、道琼斯、汤森路透、彭博及其他新闻媒体的内容管理系统。 记者可立即从自己的系统中查阅您发布的新闻稿,以确保您的新闻得到应有的关注。 我们的发布选项覆盖全球超 20 种语言及 200+ 种行业和贸易类别。

Business Wire is my go-to wire service and responsible for helping secure optimal media coverage surrounding Toshiba’s many initiatives. The team is ultra-competent, reliable and responsive, attributes which are essential for all comms professionals. I consider Business Wire to be an extension of Toshiba’s communications team and an essential partner for conveying our news to the world.

— Rick Havacko, Corporate Communications

At Accenture I have worked with Business Wire for over 10 years, and it’s been a wonderful experience. Business Wire’s staff is always available, always helpful, always reliable and goes above and beyond in ensuring we get our media announcements to the public accurately and on time.

— Todd Petruska, Corporate Communications

Our first press release with Business Wire was a rousing success. It was an important news story for us as it was our Series A announcement. The service was top notch and the results were stellar. As CEO, ROI is very important and Business Wire exceeded our expectations.

— Chris Brunner, CEO and Founder

One of the best things about working with Business Wire is the great customer service they provide. Whether it’s questions about our account, updates to the platform or assistance from the editorial group, the Business Wire team is always available and eager to help meet our needs.

— Tom Beermann, Vice President, Global Communications and Public Affairs

We count Business Wire among our trusted partners because of the level of protection their team of editorial experts provide. After so many people involved have looked at a press release countless times, it’s critical to have a fresh set of eyes do a final review. We recommend Business Wire for this, especially for companies who have a large announcement. Working with Business Wire and having their editorial team review our material is a standard part of our process.

— Curtis Sparrer, Principal
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