Business Wire是巴郡•哈撒韋旗下的企業,為新聞稿分發和監管披露方面的環球領先企業。


Business Wire在1961年成立,是新聞機構、記者、投資專家及監管機構信賴的消息來源。Business Wire運用專利網絡新聞NX技術,向新聞機構的編採系統及權威網上新聞來源直接發稿。 Business Wire的編輯部遍佈全球,為世界各地的傳訊專業人員及新聞媒體隨時候命。

160+ 分發國家


100,000+ 媒體轉載


200+ 行業類別



Business Wire的辦事處遍佈全球, 位於北美、歐洲及亞洲的辦事處均能提供全方位的新聞編輯服務, 務求提供緊貼當地市場的需要。 身處不同辦事處且經驗豐富的編輯,必定能安全及準確地分發您的新聞稿。


我們的編輯團隊全都經驗豐富, 合共多達150名編輯,平均任職 12 年以上。 此外,發放速度和準確性同樣重要。 我們的編輯團隊擁有豐富的專業知識,洞悉行業走勢,了解如何將新聞稿分發得更快捷和更準確。


透過新聞稿讓受眾認同企業的目標,是助您達至成功的重要一步。 為此,我們的客戶團隊樂意為您效勞。 擁有從全球各地到不同業界市場等超過1,600種分發選項,我們的專業團隊能夠將您的新聞資訊發送給合適的受眾。


我們將新聞稿傳送到美聯社、道瓊斯、湯森路透、彭博及其他新聞媒體的管理系統, 方便記者在系統內查看您的新聞稿,確保您的新聞稿得到應有的關注。 發送選項涵蓋全球20多種語言,包括200+ 個行業和貿易類別,絕對是全球優質的專利新聞網絡。

Business Wire is my go-to wire service and responsible for helping secure optimal media coverage surrounding Toshiba’s many initiatives. The team is ultra-competent, reliable and responsive, attributes which are essential for all comms professionals. I consider Business Wire to be an extension of Toshiba’s communications team and an essential partner for conveying our news to the world.

— Rick Havacko, Corporate Communications

At Accenture I have worked with Business Wire for over 10 years, and it’s been a wonderful experience. Business Wire’s staff is always available, always helpful, always reliable and goes above and beyond in ensuring we get our media announcements to the public accurately and on time.

— Todd Petruska, Corporate Communications

Our first press release with Business Wire was a rousing success. It was an important news story for us as it was our Series A announcement. The service was top notch and the results were stellar. As CEO, ROI is very important and Business Wire exceeded our expectations.

— Chris Brunner, CEO and Founder

One of the best things about working with Business Wire is the great customer service they provide. Whether it’s questions about our account, updates to the platform or assistance from the editorial group, the Business Wire team is always available and eager to help meet our needs.

— Tom Beermann, Vice President, Global Communications and Public Affairs

We count Business Wire among our trusted partners because of the level of protection their team of editorial experts provide. After so many people involved have looked at a press release countless times, it’s critical to have a fresh set of eyes do a final review. We recommend Business Wire for this, especially for companies who have a large announcement. Working with Business Wire and having their editorial team review our material is a standard part of our process.

— Curtis Sparrer, Principal


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