Business Wire’s newsfeed licensing options provide:

  • Real-time news from market leaders, updated automatically, customized by topic
  • Engaging, interactive multimedia from a trusted leader in breaking news
  • Factual news content for your web and mobile platforms

Business Wire newsfeeds are easy to use. Choose either a full-text newsfeed you can host on your servers and retain your own traffic; or a headline newsfeed that links to the full text on


RSS Feed

RSS and Atom feeds are very easy to implement and there are a wide range of options to fit any need or constraint.

RSS and Atom feeds can be customized using the same keywords found on all Business Wire news releases. See our list of over 250 subject and industry keyword options. Keywords can be combined to create one or many customized newsfeed(s). Depending on your audience, you may opt to create multiple newsfeeds.

RSS Feed Information

Business Wire’s RSS is a plug-and-play option for adding news releases to your website. The RSS feed is a simple list of news release headlines that, when clicked, take the viewer to to view the article.

RSS feeds are easy to customize. Business Wire’s RSS is compatible with any RSS widget, allowing you to create your newsfeed to match the look and feel of your website. Once you paste the URL into your website's HTML source code, Business Wire headlines will appear on the page. You may then customize your newsfeed, adjusting the width and/or creating a scrolling list of headlines.

One of the best things about Business Wire's RSS option is the ability to integrate multiple data providers with one newsfeed type. Nearly every website you visit has RSS options, so if you want a combination of Business Wire's news and other data providers in one newsfeed, RSS may be your answer.

View our pre-configured industry-based RSS feeds. These newsfeeds are ready to plug-and-play.

Here are some sites that utilize our RSS technology to post press releases:

AZBiologo Geekspin Kwan International newsdeutschland_0

Atom Feed

Atom is an XML-based newsfeed that includes the full text of each news release. Atom feeds are tailor-made to fit your audience’s interests. Custom keywords can be used to create a newsfeed that will keep users coming back. Unlike the RSS feed, when a user is visiting your site and clicks on a headline, the viewer will remain on your page. Business Wire's full-text Atom feeds allow you to store content within your network. 

Our media relations team will work with you to implement the newsfeed on your WordPress or CMS site.

Here are some sites that are using Atom feeds from Business Wire:

Pharmaceutical Daily Fintech Futures Finanza News 24
(English and Spanish)
(English and Japanese)

RESTful API Feed Information

The RESTful API feed is two lines of JavaScript code that are placed into your page's source code. The benefit of using RESTful API is that your users remain on your site once they click the headline, and the archive can be longer, because only one page of headlines is served at a time.

Customization is free and easy, and you'll receive the data that your audience is interested in seeing, updated live. Another benefit is that multimedia appears in the headline list, attracting viewers and increasing readership.

Here are some sites that have implemented the RESTful API feed:

Ramarama Boan24 Merger Arbitrage Limited Ri Bio CIOCoverage

NX and FTP Feeds

Business Wire offers real-time news delivery options that are fast, reliable and secure. If you have IT staff or the know-how to handle NewsML or HTML files then our NX or FTP/SFTP feed may be the best option for your website.

Both newsfeed types deliver NewsML with XHTML tagging for a highly customizable format on your site or intranet. News is delivered ready for your CSS to be applied to the NewsML or can be displayed in HTML that's pre-formatted.

Business Wire's Premier News Delivery System

Business Wire created its NX platform to improve the news delivery experience for media organizations.

The ratification of the NewsML standard by the IPTC helped provide the capability of transmitting news in advanced document formats. These two standards — the Internet and NewsML — form the functional basis of NX. Business Wire’s NX software system distributes our news to media customers.

Sites that use Business Wire NX include:

Yahoo! Finance Investor's Business Daily Venture Beat AFP

Sites that use Business Wire FTP include:

OTC Markets StockWatch MarketScreener

To learn more about NX please read our NX FAQ.