AP Content Services

Work with The Associated Press to create custom multimedia

Enrich Your News with AP-Produced Photography and Video Content

Exclusively for Business Wire clients, enhance your multimedia press release with eye-catching, high-quality visual content produced by the expert creative team at The Associated Press.

Incorporating multimedia assets like photographs, videos, and other visual elements into your news releases helps capture the attention of journalists and your target audiences. Visuals have the power to convey complex information, evoke emotion, reinforce key messages, and make your news more engaging and memorable.

AP Content Services makes it easy by handling the logistics of your photo or video shoot, providing you with imagery to distribute with your press releases. Video content shared with Business Wire-distributed press releases is published to AP Video Hub, a comprehensive library used by media organizations, broadcasters, digital publishers, and more.

Support Your News with Native Advertising

Launch a native advertising campaign with AP Content Services to further the reach of your news. Native ads and branded content are integrated into AP’s news stream, pushing your content to targeted, active audiences. Campaigns are shared via:


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