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Leveraging Innovative Tools to Increase Revenues and Results

Business Wire, in partnership with PRSA, presents an informative webinar, "Leveraging Innovative Tools To Increase Revenues and Results"

This webinar explores how today’s digital tools can be leveraged to add financial value to your company's innovative offerings. Serena will focus on the importance of multimedia content and content creation tools.

During this educational session, you can expect to:

  • Learn the role of visual fluency in generating results
  • Understand how to turn visual fluency into a revenue stream
  • Get a glimpse of the wide range of tools available today


View Webinar

Featured Speaker

Serena Ehrlich

With more than 20 years in the newswire industry, Ehrlich is a well-known speaker on the topic of PR, social media, visual marketing and more. Based out of Los Angeles, you can find her on Twitter at @serena.

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